Of late, global hiring trends have shifted. Gone are the days of human resource managers sifting through piles of CVs looking for the right candidates. Remote staffing is the new norm and for all the right reasons. But what’s all the brouhaha about remote staffing, and does it live up to its reputation as the most practical form of hiring? Let’s understand.
What is Remote Staffing?
Suppose you are a startup founder in need of a virtual assistant or web developer to help you with a project. You can either ask around for a good resource, contact local job consultants, or leverage social media. Assuming that you are situated in the Western Hemisphere, good local resources won’t come cheap. And you will also need to deal with local hiring laws. While hiring might still be easy, downsizing or layoffs can make for a volatile situation. So, what do you do, stick to hiring local resources, or hire remote workers?
Hiring remote workers from talent-rich countries like India is a more practical and cost-effective option for startups. Lately, the Indian offshore hiring market has come up in a big way with a set of unmatched advantages.
- Startups can tap into the rich and diverse resource pool of India at a fraction of the local hiring costs because resources in India don’t charge as much as their Western counterparts.
- Founders can easily upsize or downsize teams without worrying about employee unrest or lawsuits.
- Remote staffing companies make the hiring process super-easy for startups.
That’s remote staffing 101 for you.
How Can Small Businesses Engage in Remote Staffing?
Startups and small businesses wanting to save precious dollars from their hiring budget can contact remote staffing companies like us – Remote Resource® – and explore the advantages of hiring remote workers.
Why is Remote Staffing Growing?
According to a recent study by Grand View Research, the global remote staffing market size was valued at USD 10.04 billion in 2020, and it is only expected to grow. So, what’s powering remote staffing? Here are a few pointers to help you understand:
Cost-effective and hassle-free: We have already talked about how hiring remote workers can save startups a lot of money and grant peace of mind. Upscaling and downscaling team strength becomes so much easier with remote hiring! Businesses can increase their ROI without worrying about increasing overheads and liabilities.
Flexibility: Remote staffing lets businesses adapt to the changing needs of their clients. Remote workers can operate in different shifts and projects depending on client demands.
Diversity and Talent: The Indian offshore hiring market is rich in talent and diversity. From web developers to remote accountants, you can ask for a remote resource in any domain. The country’s robust education system and sizeable population have made it easy for people with varied interests to become specialists in myriad fields.
How to Succeed at Employing Remote Resources?
Remote staffing presents itself as an opportunity to maximize profits and productivity at the same time. But like any other new process, hiring remote workers and managing them requires a bit of understanding and planning on part of the startup founder. Here’s how to go about the whole thing:
Define your goals and expectations: Before you employ a remote employee ask yourself why you need the resource in the first place. What is your hiring budget and deadline? What skills are you looking for in your resource? What are your performance indicators? Do you want to hire for short-term or long-term? These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself before hiring a remote worker.
Choose the right channel: Once you have set your goals and expectations, you need to decide on the hiring channel. Are you planning to work entirely with freelancers or employ a remote hiring agency like Remote Resource®? While it’s not difficult to find talented freelancers, accountability is something only remote staffing experts like us can deliver. And you need your projects delivered error-free and on time!
Go for hassle-free hiring: A good remote staffing organization will sort CVs and arrange interviews with suitable candidates for your job role. This lets you choose the perfect resource for your project. Once you have chosen your remote worker, you can proceed with the onboarding process.
Training: Make sure you have a training process outlined to help your new resource understand the nitty-gritty of your project. If there are specific tools and applications you want them to use, make sure your remote assistants are well-acquainted with them before they start working.
Day-to-day Management: Educate your remote resources on your goals and expectations. Remember to implement monitoring mechanisms to evaluate employee performance and productivity. It’s your hard-earned money you are spending on your employees. Make sure you get the best return on your investment. Applications like Team Logger and Clockify can monitor real-time employee performance, giving you a clear graph of employee productivity through a shift.
Feedback and Encouragement: Share your feedback on employee performance with your remote team regularly. Organize weekly virtual meetings and encourage good performance in the best way you can. Such activities foster team bonding and encourage remote employees to perform better.
Current Trends in Remote Staffing
Remote staffing is a constantly evolving field. The advent of AI has made the remote hiring landscape more dynamic. So, what are the latest trends shaping the domain? Let’s have a look.
Hybrid workforce model: There’s a lot of talk about remote hiring replacing local hiring. But nothing can be farther from the truth. If anything, remote hiring will only complement local hiring and boost profitability. Many businesses are already adopting a hybrid workforce model for better adaptability and profit.
AI and automation: AI is here to stay and redefine everything from hiring to project management. More and more businesses are looking for remote workers adept in handling AI-based tools and software. The ultimate goal is to have a workforce powered by a combination of human thinking prowess and the speed of AI automation.
Data Security and Privacy: As more and more companies take their businesses online and expand their social media footprint, data security and privacy have become even bigger concerns. How safe is your business data in the hands of your remote employees? To ensure that you don’t lose out on this critical aspect of doing business, always hire resources from reputable remote hiring firms.
As more and more startups gun for glory, powered by remote staffing solutions, it won’t be an overstatement to say that the future of global trade will be shaped by offshore hiring companies. What’s your take on the subject? Connect with us and let us know more.